Santa Monica Airport (originally Clover Field), November 8, 1951
Originally named after WWI aviator, “Grubby” Clover, this airfield was the original home of the Douglas Aircraft Company. On March 17, 1924, a custom-built Douglas plane took off from Clover Field on the first circumnavigation of the world by air. Clover Field served as the Army’s 40th Division Aviation, 115th Observation Squadron. Douglas built the entire series of “DC” airliners adjacent to Clover Field, as well as the B-18 Bolo and B-18A bombers, and C-47 and C-54 military transports. The airport gives its name to Cloverfield Boulevard in Santa Monica.
The Barker Hangar was repurposed as a small-scale supermarket set for the 2020 version of Supermarket Sweep.